Health Archives - Page 2 of 50 - Men's Health Magazine Australia


Your body is a machine. Here’s how to take care of every part of it—from protecting your heart to injury-proofing your joints—for the long haul.
What is a healthy body fat percentage?

What is a healthy body fat percentage?

YOU'VE ALMOST CERTAINLY heard the term ‘body fat percentage’ before, whether in conversation in the gym changing room, marketing fodder for fitness transformations, or even in a Men’s Health article. With a little bit of know-how, the measure can act not just as a...

Finally, some good news about Alzheimer’s disease

Finally, some good news about Alzheimer’s disease

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE HAS been medicine’s own brainteaser. It’s stumped doctors and scientists who, for decades, have been struggling with where it came from, how it progresses, and how to treat it. “When I was a new investigator, I got a negative result in a pilot...

What doctors want you to know about TikTok’s mouth taping trend

What doctors want you to know about TikTok’s mouth taping trend

SNORING CAN KEEP you from getting a good night’s sleep. It might wake you up during the night and cause you to toss and turn, which likely leaves you feeling grouchy in the morning. If you sleep with a partner, they’re probably dealing with these sleep interruptions,...
